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The Palace at Midnight

The Palace at Midnight

Paperback (25 Apr 2013)

  • $20.71
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Publisher's Synopsis

Somehow, for all my outward pretence of cold-eyed professionalism, all my insistence that writing is simply a job like any other, I've discovered to my surprise and chagrin that there's more than that going on around here, that I write as much out of karmic necessity and some inescapable inner need to rededicate my own skills constantly to my-what? My craft? My art? My profession? I wrote these stories because the only way of earning a living I have ever had has been by writing, but mainly, I have to admit, I wrote these stories because I couldn't not write them. Well, so be it. They involved me in a lot of hard work, but for me, at least, the results justify the toil. I'm glad I wrote them. Writing them, it turns out, was important for me, and even pleasurable, in a curiously complex after-the-fact kind of way. May they give you pleasure now too. -Robert Silverberg, from his Introduction

About the Publisher

Subterranean Press

Subterranean Press is widely considered to be among the finest specialty publishers in the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres, and has published Stephen King, Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Harlan Ellison, Joe Hill, and Peter Straub. Subterranean Press has ongoing relationships with a number of writers, including Dan Simmons, China Mieville, Kelley Armstrong, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Robert Silverberg and Joe R. Lansdale, and frequently publishes exclusive editions of their work.

Book information

ISBN: 9781596066045
Publisher: Subterranean Press
Imprint: Subterranean Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 480
Weight: 229g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 27mm