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The "POWER OF" Leadership & Mentoring

The "POWER OF" Leadership & Mentoring

Paperback (26 Feb 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The "POWER OF" Leadership & Mentoring is your premier book and guide on how turn on your ability to become an amazing leader and mentor using all the tools you already possess and allowing you to change your life for the better and the lives of those around you. It's also the latest offering on the subject of leadership & mentoring making it the most up to date and comprehensive writing on the subject. In this upbeat, positive, motivational and inspiring book which is part of the DIBS series of books written by the Father and Son award winning car, truck and motorcycle team, Tom & Bubba inspire and teach you how to lead and mentor others and make a positive impact on yourself and everyone you are around in a very easy to understand manner. At the end of each chapter are highlights that summarize the key factors of that chapter making it easy to implement their simple and proven approach to your success of being a strong leader and mentor. Their approach is fresh, filled with love and encourages your success.

Book information

ISBN: 9781716067303
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 118
Weight: 295g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 6mm