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The Other World's Books Depend on the Bean Counter. Vol. 2

The Other World's Books Depend on the Bean Counter. Vol. 2

Graphic ed

Paperback (30 Aug 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Not long ago, in a fantasy world in a different dimension, a business guy was dragged through a portal. Stranded in a new land, Kondou has only one request-to spend his days peacefully working himself into the ground. But when he collapses from downing potion after potion day after day, it's the handsome knight captain Aresh who rescues the bean counter in distress... However, 'twas just the beginning of the tale for these star-crossed lovers. After all, not even a near-death experience and his first time can stop Kondou from working the very next day! And so, jilted by the man he saved after a night of many firsts, Aresh starts a personal crusade to teach Kondou how to work to live instead of living to work. Meanwhile, Kondou for the life of him just can't figure out why he's not allowed to take any overtime...

About the Publisher

Yen Press

Little, Brown is the literary hardback imprint that feeds into our Abacus paperback list. We publish across a wide range of areas, including fiction, history, memoir, science and travel, but within this diverse list the vast majority of books have in common a strong narrative and a distinctive voice.

Book information

ISBN: 9781975345143
Publisher: Little, Brown
Imprint: Yen Press
Pub date:
Edition: Graphic ed
DEWEY: 741.5
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 162
Weight: 174g
Height: 127mm
Width: 190mm
Spine width: 18mm