Publisher's Synopsis
It doesn't matter how low you've gone. Grace is deeper than rock-bottom, and the power of the Spirit quickens you to experience freedom. Now. Maybe you just need a plan to get there, to start stepping, to experience the life you know you're destined to live. A few years into running a recovery center housing over 600 men, women, and kids per year, something clicked- We could use the best of the time-tested 12 steps + the power of the Spirit and get better results. If you're ready for real results, too- to kick an addition, hang-up, or habit to the curb, then this is the tool for you. The book includes all access to the online videos and audio files that support your journey from the past and into wholeness. And, it's a book we developed "in the trenches" while helping HUNDREDS of others find freedom! We tested and tweaked it, adjusting the lessons and changing the ACTION STEPS at the end of each chapter, over and over, until we got the REAL RESULTS we wanted to see! * Heroine addicts free and leading in ministry- done! * Pain killers for a legit medical condition turned into a full-blown addiction- gone! * Alcoholism- no more! * Suicidal thoughts, depression, shame + guilt and / or voices in the mind- erased and silenced! * Porn additions- vanished! * Priorities out of whack- marriages restored, families rebuilt! In fact, this material worked so well that the State offices wanted to use it themselves- even though it is overtly faith-based!