Publisher's Synopsis
NOTE: This book has been updated to include the newest Kindle Fire's (as of 2015). It includes the OS 5 update. It does not include the Fire Kids Edition, but does include FreeTime. Welcome to your brand new Kindle Fire tablet! Amazon's newest generation Kindle Fire is truly a world-class tablet, designed for lovers of all sorts of content - from eBooks to streaming video to highly addictive games to photos. The Amazon Kindle eReader revolutionized reading when it first appeared in 2007, and today's Kindle Fire HD tablet applies the same principles to music, movies, photos, web browsing and more. Unlike tablet offerings from Apple, Samsung, and others, the Kindle Fire is entirely focused on content. The interface is designed to help you find your content and then to get out of your way so that you can enjoy reading, listening, watching or playing without any distractions. Think of us as a friendly tour guide as you get to know your Kindle. You can read this guide from start to finish, or you can pick and choose chapters as you need them. We'll help you get your Kindle Fire unpacked, charged, connected, and set up in Part 1: Getting Started. Next, in Part 2: The Basics, we'll give you the rundown on Kindle 101. In Part 3: Content on the Kindle Fire, we'll show you how to use your device to read, listen, watch, and organize your Amazon media. Part 4: Other Settings and Services will get you started with everything else - mail, settings, tweaks, Kindle FreeTime and more. After you've mastered the basics, take a look at Part 5: Beyond the Basics, where we'll give you the tools you need to truly get the most out of your Kindle. We'll wrap things up in Part 6: Recommended Apps for Your Fire with a list of our favorite apps in the Kindle Appstore. Kindle is incredibly easy to use, but the many features and settings that will help you use it to its full potential may seem a little opaque at first. If this is your first tablet experience, it can all feel a little overwhelming: the Appstore, X-Ray, Kindle Prime, all of this stuff can sound like science fiction to the uninitiated. Amazon has done their best to make it as easy as possible, heavily customizing the open-source Android operating system for both ease-of-use and reliability. You might get a little confused at first, but with the help of this guide, we'll have you up and running like a pro within minutes. Think of this guide as your passport to the world of the Amazon Kindle. We know you'll have fun on the journey!