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The New York Times Easy Peasy Crossword Puzzles

The New York Times Easy Peasy Crossword Puzzles 75 Easy Puzzles

Paperback (02 Jul 2019)

  • $10.26
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Publisher's Synopsis

Relax and enjoy with these 75 easy New York Times crossword puzzles!

Easy puzzles are the best! They offer the intellectual challenge, vocabulary building, and sheer fun of solving, but won't have you tearing your hair out. Enjoy the thrill of filling in that last little box!

- 75 easy Times crosswords
- Puzzles edited by Will Shortz
- Convenient, travel-size volume: portable and affordable

About the Publisher

St. Martin's Griffin

The Griffin list features a wide range of contemporary paperbacks (some original publications, others published in conjunction with the St. Martin's Press hardcover list), and includes hundreds of bestselling works of fiction-from commercial, literary, and graphic (illustrated) novels to titles of African American and young-adult interest. The hallmarks of Griffin's varied nonfiction publishing program extends to such categories as: Biography and memoir, pop-culture and politics, business and self-help, humor and reference, gay and lesbian, health and fitness, home and travel (including the Let's Go® guides), crafts and hobbies, nature and medicine, New York Times crossword puzzles and Will Shortz's sudoku, and much more.

Book information

ISBN: 9781250217820
Publisher: St. Martin's Publishing Group
Imprint: St. Martin's Griffin
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 113g
Height: 229mm
Width: 150mm
Spine width: 8mm