Publisher's Synopsis
The Book of Mormon is one of the Best Books in the Whole World, in spite of its Exaggerations and Fairy Tales, being the Second Best-Selling Book in the Whole World, just after the Holy Bible, which also has its own Exaggerated Fairy Tales - such as the Noah's Ark Story, the Exodus, the Samson Story, and King Nebuchadnezzar's Solid Gold Statue Story, which was only Mentioned in the Book of Daniel, which has no Confirmation in any other Ancient Literature, in spite of News Reporters supposedly coming to Worship it from all other Nations under Heaven! (See Daniel 3, KJV.) However, the Primary Purpose for Writing and Publishing all such Stories was to Help Spread the Good News that was Taught by Jesus Christ, whom many Educated People would say was just another Mythical Jewish Fable, which made it Possible for the Jews to SELL X-amount of Jewish Books, which have Sold hundreds of Billions of Copies for Trillions of Dollars! After all, Thanks to that "Holy Bible," there are Millions of Related Books, including the Book of Mormon, which Relies on Biblical Believers for its Sales: beCause the Book of Mormon could not Stand alone on its own Strength, which is also True of "The New MAGNIFIED Version (NMV) of The Book of MORMON," which Depends on the Information that is found in the Revised Standard Version of the Book of Mormon, which has been Updated several times since it was first Published during March of 1830, by Joseph Smith Junior, who has a rather Dark Mysterious History on the Internet, which alone is enough to Debunk the Unholy Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sinners. However, in spite of the Weaknesses of Joseph Smith Junior, X-amount of Faithful Believers in the Book of Mormon would Gladly DIE for it, if they were put to the Test of their Faith, like the Martyrs of Ancient Times. Indeed, even the 8 Witnesses, who Testified to their Dying Days that they had Seen the Gold Plates of Nephi, and Knew for a Fact that the Book of Mormon is Truly the Words of God, all Denied the Authenticity of Joseph Smith Junior, himself, whom they Forsook as an Impostor. However, Unfortunately for them, they did not get to Read "The New MAGNIFIED Version of The Book of MORMON," or else they would have also Denied the Authenticity of "The Book of Mormon" beCause the NMV presents more than a thousand Ridiculous Contradictions and Undeniable Exaggerations! However, at the same Time, the NMV of the Book of Mormon presents Profound Truths that cannot be Discovered in any other Book on the Earth! Indeed, it reads like an Inspired Book that came straight out of Heaven, itself, from the Holy Throne of Almighty God! Yes, it is as if God is Speaking, himself - that is, if you have Spiritual Ears that can Hear! Therefore, this Version is far more Inspired by God than any of the others, and it even puts the Holy Bible to Open Shame with its Great Provable Truths! Therefore, it is just a Matter of Time when it will no doubt be Recognized by Intelligent Well-Educated People as one of the Greatest Books ever Written, in spite of being as Fictitious as the Original Book of Mormon. In Fact, all of the Latter-day Saints will Love it! Guaranteed! But, the Latter-day Sinners will just Naturally HATE it, even as Wicked Muslims will just Naturally Hate the Selected King of The Worldwide People's Revolution, just for pointing out the Weaknesses of the Unholy Koran and its Hypocritical Author, who Instructed his Soldiers to Sodomize the Surviving Boys and Teenagers of their Enemies, after their Battles were Won, which made him a Spiritual Sodomite of the Lowest Class, whose Name is other known as General MuhamMAD, who could neither Read nor Write, who Died with SEVERE PAINS, who no doubt went Straight to HELL! At least we Hope so: beCause his Evil Words have Caused the Needless Deaths of tens of Millions of People!