Publisher's Synopsis
Representing the latest data from active research groups, The Neurobiology of Cocaine is designed to educate students and inform experts in a rapidly changing field. This volume presents current research regarding the mechanisms of cocaine's action in the brain. Recent developments of cellular, molecular, and brain imaging methods provide new evidence that chemical and molecular substrates underlie cocaine reinforcement, dependence, and withdrawal. This book explores the biological bases of such effects, describing the brain circuits affected by cocaine, neuroendocrine and neurophysiological actions of cocaine, neurochemistry and pharmacology of cocaine, and cocaine effects on signal transduction, gene expression, and protein phosphorylation.
This up-to-date text also describes the recently cloned class of neurotransporters affected by cocaine and characterizes their interaction with the drug. These reports focus on the effects of chronic exposure and subsequent withdrawal, which are differentiated from acute cocaine actions. Thus, they provide information on brain mechanisms likely active during long-term use and abuse in humans. Such commonalities are illustrated by a discussion of cocaine action in the human brain as visualized by positron emission tomography. This volume is a must for anyone interested in the mechanisms underlying cocaine abuse.