The Nature of Winter - Seasons

Paperback (20 Sep 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

During winter, dark days of wild storms can give way to the perfect, glistening stillness of frost-encrusted winter landscapes - it is the stuff of wonder and beauty, of nature at its utmost. In The Nature of Winter, Jim Crumley ventures into our countryside to experience firsthand the chaos and the quiet solitude of nature's rest period. He bears witness to the lives of remarkable animals such as golden eagles, red deer and even whales as they battle intemperate weather and the turbulence of climate change. In the snow Jim discovers ancient footsteps that lead him to reflect on the journey of his personal nature-writing life - a journey that takes in mountain legends, dear departed friends and an enduring fascination and deep love for nature. Simply, he evokes winter in all its drama, in all its pathos, in all its glory.

About the Publisher


We are a creative independent publisher striving to offer our readers something a little bit different. We love to read books that are imaginative, sometimes offbeat, always original, and we're committed to working with the writers and designers who inspire us and thus, hopefully, our readers.

Book information

ISBN: 9781912235179
Publisher: Saraband
Imprint: Saraband
Pub date:
DEWEY: 508.411
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 230
Weight: 218g
Height: 130mm
Width: 197mm
Spine width: 27mm