Publisher's Synopsis
Ecclesiastes 1:10 Is there anything of which one can say? "Look! This is something new"? It was here already, long ago; It was here before our time. The Missing Link explains how we have matured from immaturity as living and dead or non (living and dead) fossils and coral reefs of flowering plants, animals and vegetation or fruitful plants, animals and vegetation into skeletal bones of flowering plants, animals and vegetation or fruitful plants, animals and vegetation. How as beings we have enhanced wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the spirit, soul and body-flesh by contributing our quota to the development of our body systems and the ecosystem. The book also explains what happens when we abandon our relationship with triune and trichotomy, trinity, divinity. The book sheds light into how creation in the book of genesis is linked to the big bang. The book enlightens us about how positive and negative habits, substances, ions etc are like Staunton chess pieces and the two opposing players in sport games. The book enlightens us about how positive, neutral and negative habits, substances, ions etc are like Staunton chess pieces and the two opposing players at sports games. The missing link 2 describes how the brain heals by less negative (feel good and feel bad factor) asphoria, positive (feel good and feel bad factor) hysphoria, and more negative (feel good and feel bad factor) dysphoria. The book allows the reader to check their relationship strategies and explore and compare their anatomy, physiology and biochemistry with their body-flesh, spirit and soul and comprehend how they are linked to divinity, trinity, nature and nurture. It sheds more light into how those who appreciate and apply the principles of the trinity, divinity, triune and trichotomy have developed themselves into higher advanced beings and enlightens health professionals about misconception that physical health service users have about their disabilities i.e victims who have and have not developed coping mechanisms to manage and lubricate the illnesses or sicknesses from work done arising from the wear and tear of their 'cell' (which is the basic building block membrane-bound unit that contains the fundamental molecules of life and of which all living things are composed) with voices of Mob, sentences of Mother Nature, vibrations of Father Nurture and balm in Gilead i.e the word of God. Jeremiah 8:22 Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people? Whatever the case have you, I and/or we read the missing link?!......... -Decided or Undecided!-Coming back or Going forward! -Staying up or staying down! -Moving in or moving out! The flesh is without whilst the spirit is within. The flesh is.....Without different and unified but the spirit is within similar and diversified.... The flesh is opposite the spirit and the spirit is opposite the flesh whilst the soul is our individual identity. Leaving yesterday's choices or options behind (former), considering today's choices or options now (middle) and forecasting about future choices or options tomorrow (latter) .-Was Allah Allow via God, Mob, Mother Nature and Father Nurture through Jesus Christ, Emmanuel Mohammed, John the Baptist at your previous plans?-Is Allah Allow via God, Mob, Mother Nature and Father Nurture through Jesus Christ, Emmanuel Mohammed, John the Baptist at your current process of implementation? -Will the beginning or end of your journey be oriented by Allah Allow via God, Mob, Mother Nature and Father Nurture through Jesus Christ, Emmanuel Mohammed, John the Baptist respectively? Thus, as creatures we are outside-in whilst the ministry of source and force of nature and nurture, divinity or trinity are both inside-out and outside-in with respect to how the fruits, works and gifts of the spirit, soul and flesh are sown, reaped, harvested and applied to activities of daily life.