Publisher's Synopsis
The light of the electric tram lay pale here and there on the ceiling and on the higher parts of the furniture
Svetlo elektrickej elektricky sem-tam bledlo na strope a na vyssích castiach nábytku
but down at Gregor's level it was dark
ale dole na Gregorovej úrovni bola tma
He slowly pushed himself towards the door to see what had happened there
Pomaly sa tlacil k dverám, aby zistil, co sa tam stalo
he was still clumsy with his feelers, which he only now learned to appreciate
bol stále nemotorný s tykadlami, co sa az teraz naucil ocenit
His left side seemed to have one long, unpleasantly tight scar
Zdalo sa, ze jeho lavá strana má jednu dlhú, nepríjemne tesnú jazvu
and he had to literally limp on his two rows of legs
a musel doslova krívat na svojich dvoch radoch nôh
Incidentally, one of the legs had been seriously injured during the morning's incidents
Mimochodom, jedna z nôh bola pri ranných incidentoch vázne zranená
it was almost a miracle that only one of his legs was injured
bol takmer zázrak, ze sa mu zranila iba jedna noha
and he dragged his leg lifelessly
a bez zivota tahal nohu
Only when he reached the door did he realize what had actually lured him there
Az ked dosiel k dverám, uvedomil si, co ho tam vlastne nalákalo
it was the smell of something edible that had lured him there
bola to vôna niecoho jedlého, co ho tam prilákalo