Publisher's Synopsis
When you're writing, do you ever feel like you need a therapist, friend, teacher or reviewer - or perhaps all of these rolled into one - to help with your work? Do you long to hear the views of someone who can shine a light on those tricky narrative dilemmas? If you do, this book is for you - think of it as a literary 'Agony Aunt', offering a different perspective on the thorniest of storytelling problems. It's all too easy to grind to a halt with your writing, and there are a million reasons why this happens, but having a mentor - in this case, the words of Emily Cunningham - to encourage you not to lose hope and to move forward with newfound enthusiasm, is often all you need. In this book, Emily has sought to unravel some of the most vexatious issues that face all writers and present them in a way that aims to inspire, inform and encourage you - just like a mentor would. The book doesn't have to be read from start to finish; it is more of a deep dive at any point into the depths of the writing craft and when you surface, hopefully you will have greater clarity and a fresh approach to your work. At the end of each feature you will also find some easy tips and exercises to ease you back into writing mode.