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The Meaning Makers

The Meaning Makers Learning to Talk and Talking to Learn - New Perspectives on Language and Education

2nd Edition

Paperback (18 Aug 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Meaning Makers is about children's language and literacy development at home and at school. Based on the Bristol Study, "Language at Home and at School," which the author directed, it follows the development of a representative sample of children from their first words to the end of their primary schooling. It contains many examples of their experience of language in use, both spoken and written, recorded in naturally occurring settings in their homes and classrooms, and shows the active role that children play in their own development as they both make sense of the world around them and master the linguistic means for communicating about it. Additionally, this second edition also sets the findings of the original study in the context of recent research in the sociocultural tradition inspired by Vygotsky's work and includes examples of effective teaching drawn from the author's recent collaborative research with teachers.

Book information

ISBN: 9781847691989
Publisher: Multilingual Matters
Imprint: Multilingual Matters
Pub date:
Edition: 2nd Edition
DEWEY: 372.6
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 344
Weight: 472g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 19mm