Publisher's Synopsis
"The information in this course is golden. I have read Think and Grow Rich and the Science of Getting Rich, both books are priceless, but The Master Key System is simply mind-blowing.I never realized The Master Key System was the inspiration behind Think and Grow Rich and The Science of Getting Rich"- Tim "I love how each part offers a quick-guide action step to immediately implement what I learned in each section. I also think the Q & A study questions are brilliant. I helped me to further understand what was taught in each section" - Joanne
In a testimonial letter dated April 21, 1919 written by the great Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, stated: "my present success and the success which has followed my work... is due largely to the principles laid down in the Master-Key System."
Until recently the Master Key System was largely unknown and almost lost to the ages of time. Fortunately, it regained popularity, due to no small part from its influence on Rhonda Byrne, the author of the book and the film The Secret . In addition to the Science of Getting Rich, the Master Key System was one of the main sources of inspiration for the Rhonda Byrne to create the movie and write the book.
In addition, the Master Key System was an inspiration to Bill Gate's and the success of Microsoft. It is believed Bill Gate's discovered the book while attending Harvard and after reading the Master Key System, he was so inspired he dropped out and started Microsoft.
When was the Master Key System first published? Charles Haanel first published the Master Key System in 1912 as a 24-week correspondence course. In 1916 it was then published in book form.
The Master Key System thoroughly describes and instructs the student how to fully implement the "Law of Attraction" in their life. In addition, it teaches creative visualization, the powerful and proven methods and techniques to maximize the benefits of concentration, the importance of truth and harmonious thinking.
What you'll find in this course: You'll find each section of this course contains an introduction, the main teaching part, followed by a section with questions and answers to reinforce your knowledge learned. Finally, each section offers a power action-step exercise that will teach you how to immediately implement what you learned in each section in your life immediately.