Publisher's Synopsis
On a two-hour airplane flight, businessmanHal Dormundgave a rambling monologue of advice to theteen girl --a runaway -- beside him. "Find what you like best and work like hell at it," he said. Seven years later, she has finally found him to say that she took his advice to heart.What Mary Ann liked best was dance, and from the moment she got off that airplane, she hastrained every day. And it haspaid off: now she'sthe star of a Broadway dance production. As the show becomes a hit and Mary Ann a nationalstar, her romance with Hal takes off.But dark forces are workingagainst both of them. Mary Ann's father is aTV preacher with a globalministry, and her fame is an embarrassment to her. Hal, too, has his problems: avile CEO blackmailshimto get out of paying Hal's company for acompleted contract. And the center of his blackmail scheme is to harmMary Ann."