The Magic Moment

The Magic Moment

Hardback (12 Oct 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Magic Moment is a picture book that helps children explore difficult emotions and face their fears. Written by Niall Breslin (Bressie) and illustrated by Sheena Dempsey, here young readers will meet Freddie. Freddie is excited about his first trip to the swimming pool. But when he gets there, he finds it scary. So scary in fact, that he just wants to go home…. Later that evening, Nana teaches him a secret trick. It's called the Magic Moment Trick and it gives you superpowers when you're facing something scary. You simply close your eyes and think of your happiest memory and squeeze your finger and thumb together.
The charming story, containing an easy mindfulness technique, helps children return to the present moment. The Magic Moment is a must for parents or anyone working with children who wants to help them feel the fear and jump in anyway.

Book information

ISBN: 9780717181339
Publisher: Gill
Imprint: Gill Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 29 unnumbered
Weight: 554g
Height: 289mm
Width: 251mm
Spine width: 16mm