Publisher's Synopsis
The Love Manifesto grew out of my most earnest desire to spread my belief that love is the answer to all of life's disappointments. A manifesto is a declaration of an individual's intentions, motives, or views which usually continues to reinforce a position established in a previous published work. This manifesto is a combination of expressions that captures elements of artistic expression peppered with a political undertone. My first book-If Not for Love was birthed from the pain of surviving the trauma of growing up a ward of the state then pushing through the unspeakable death of my first-born son to realize the love I had for my mother to becoming paralyzing by my mom's death. I personally learned that the despair caused by death and rejection can stall the potential of living. My journey has given me the foundation to use my pain to develop a blueprint for motivating others and using my experiences to be a blessing to someone. It is God's will that I strive to emulate the love he has bestowed upon me. Each day I am striving to "let love liberate me" from the disappointments that life brings. I am consistently working to "perfect my love walk". I will admit some days it is harder than others yet still I strive without ceasing or losing momentum. The Love Manifesto is for those who desire to bask in the delight of God's love despite the circumstances and situations that are designed to make you digress or throw your hands up in surrender to angry, hate, jealousy or defeat. I hope this book encourages your spirit and gives you the energy to get back up no matter how many times life knocks you down. The Love Manifesto is a public declaration that gives meaning to my conviction that love is the force that gives human beings the power needed to reach the pinnacle of living. Love gives us conspicuous bravery to "no longer accept the things we cannot accept" but without malice in our hearts. Love is a life force that can connect us to the spiritual forces of our creator. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, I have been able to forgive those who have plotted to hurt me and derail my destiny. Jesus Christ has given me a spirit of hope and confidence not fear nor degradation; so, I can mirror this in my actions but most of all in my heart! The gift of love has sustained me through all of the ups and downs and kept me immersed in the humanity of living without hate in my heart. Humility has given me the tenacity to preserve and hold steadfast to the fruits of God's divine love. It's given me the strength to forgive those who mean me no good in their intentions and actions. Because of God's Love, I have the wisdom inside of me to forgive others. My God sister told me that God's love is the truth and it is a real gift that God has given to each of us. In my journey of living I have come to the realization that in God's love I stand liberated from every valley experience that has stalled, hurt or broken my heart. I dedicate this book to all those who yearn to love and be loved but; especially to my sisters. In loving sometimes our hearts will lead us to the mountain top and then there are the valley moments. I want everyone to know that there is liberation in love if in God's love you stand. Let your heart be encouraged and let your power resound. Let the echoes of agape love release you abound. I want the universe to know that there is no other force more powerful than a person who can receive and give love. To this I declare, The Love Manifesto can be a source for life's journey as we surrender our doubts while standing in the beauty of each encounter of the heart to arrive back at love.