The Lost Works of Oliver Optic

The Lost Works of Oliver Optic The Young Travelers - The Lost Works of Oliver Optic

Paperback (11 Dec 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

William T. Adams was an inveterate traveler. For fifty years he explored the world over, encompassing many different lands, observing the sights and sounds of varied cultures and translating those impressions into works for young people. Four such serialized articles are collected in this volume. Under a thin veneer of fiction Adams is a sure guide as he takes us by the hand and we too experience everything that comes under his notice. Also included is a heretofore unknown account in his own words of his final world tour, never formally published. He is always the keen observer of human nature as he was in his many books and newspaper sketches. These pages bristle with interest as we learn much about the man himself in his passion for the global view of life and learn too something of the times in which he lived. For the armchair traveler whose interest is centered in travelogues of a former day, as well as for the juvenile book enthusiast, this volume satisfies on many levels.

Book information

ISBN: 9780692599976
Publisher: Puddle Creek Books
Imprint: Puddle Creek Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 218
Weight: 259g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 12mm