Publisher's Synopsis
Little Joseph couldn't wait to make his First Holy Communion, because he knew that once he had accomplished that milestone, he could study to become an Altar Boy, something he had been dreaming of for the past two years.
But Joseph was not your typical 9 year old. He was extremely precocious, and very inquisitive. Father Finnegan would find this out soon enough, as he found the boy a font of endless questions: Questions about the Liturgy, questions about their Rite, questions about the language used, and the ones they don't use. He seemed to be a veritable endless stream of questions, and yet both his own Father, and Father Finnegan, were 'usually' only too happy to explain things to the curious lad, because he was so intrigued by everything that went on during the Traditional Latin Mass that dated back, at least in the most important parts, like the Canon, more than 1500 years, and the Consecration, to the time of the Life of Christ.
Many people have no idea why Latin? Why not in the language of the people, and countless other questions that Joseph would also ask. This book is both a learning experience for children, and many adults, it also tells a story of what could only be described as a miracle!
At his first Mass, Joseph is startled when a little girl says she sees an angel on the Altar. He had heard many stories of miracles, but never expected to witness one himself. He became so flustered he had to be extra careful not to let it keep his mind off his duties in that Sanctuary. When the little girl, and later a little boy claimed they, too saw the little angel, even Father was intrigued by the mystery. The surprise ending is truly very touching, and brings Joseph closer to his Faith than he had ever been, which speaks volumes, as he was always devout, loved reading books about the Church, its saints and its many Miracles. Not in his wildest dreams did he ever think that HE would become the focus of one.