Publisher's Synopsis
"Red Crow became the leader of the Bloods in 1870...the story of the chief's life as told by him in 1890 to R.N. Wilson...a story of horse stealing and many battles but it also shows the chief had mercy." -Calgary Herald, Feb. 17, 1967
"As chief, Red Crow was always ready to defend Blood 1871 he led 60 warriors on a strike on a Crow camp...won most of the battles of his life." -Edmonton Journal, July 1, 2005
"Red Crow, a lineal descendent of the great Blood chieftains, was the most powerful and respected chief to enter the Treaty Seven negotiations." - Medicine that Walks: Disease, Medicine and Canadian Plains Native People (2001)
"In the shadowy corner of history stands a mighty figure ─ Red Crow of the numerous and powerful Bloods...a notable and eminently successful warrior...the hero of more than 30 principal adventures (as he is recorded to have told them to the late R.N. Wilson)." -Calgary Herald, Jan. 14, 1956