Publisher's Synopsis
My name is author Robert Kintigh and I help people.......... People just like you to: -Set goals and achieve them! -Smile bigger and be happier! -Sell more at work and become a super star! -Become the best at anything you desire! -Create meaningful relationships! -Build a bigger business! -Make more money! -Raise better children and become better parents -Get over tragic situations in your life -And much more. I help you do this so you can build and live a life that you desire and design on your own. I imagine that is why you have picked up this book? I imagine that you are seeking a better life and maybe even permission to have a better life and I wrote this book so you can do just that. Have you ever had these challenges: -Have you ever felt like you have messed up so bad in life that there is no chance to live any better? -Have you wanted to do something so bad but had no clue if it was even possible for you? -Have you ever woken up in the morning and did not feel like getting out of bed? -Have you ever felt tired of not being the best? The superstar at work? Always feeling like bottom shelf instead of top shelf? -Feeling helpless and wondered where you would find the strength to carry on? I have had some of these very same challenges and I went through a time period where I could not drag myself out of bed. This happened to me right after my Mother passed away. I had no energy, no passion and was willing to throw away everything I had and give up. In fact, I did just that and almost lost everything. I threw away a home I built, businesses that were thriving and a life that was awesome and moved across the country to a place I literally hated. I also have been through many of those other challenges as well. I moved across country to Florida because I thought it was a solution and after a few months realized it was no solution, especially for me. Years earlier I had created a formula for success and as I sat there all alone by myself, feeling sorry for myself and sick to my stomach, I remembered the 10 Essential Steps for Success formula I had created and went and pulled it out. I had re-discovered something that had never failed me and a short while later I was back on top. The 10 steps put me back in the new world. You see the old world did not work for me any more just as you will discover it will no longer work for you. What I am talking about is self-doubt, low self-esteem and worry and wonder. What helped me to become successful was removing my old mindsets and designing new ones. This was my new world and letting myself drift back into that old world thinking was detrimental to me. The old way does not work. The solution is I wrote this book called The Lies We Tell Ourselves as well as a workbook by the same name to remind myself daily about what it is I need to do. The big picture is I have taken down my challenges one by one and did so by the 10 steps and the mindset training in this book. This book is not magical but at times it may seem so. Really this book is a great reminder about who you are and what you really want. This book also reminds you to take time for yourself and discover who you are. Let me teach you the do's and don'ts of reading this book and implementing some of the strategies and how to change your life: Do: -Read this book twice -Read in a quiet place and take notes -Have an open mind -Look for something powerful you can use or try -Read this book if you are serious about changing your life -Go to work immediately -Refer to the book often. Don't: -Have an attitude and closed mind -Think this is not for you -Watch television or have your iPod on while reading this book -Take anything for granted -Read this book if you are not serious -Feel embarrassed -Forget about why you picked up this book. This first thing to do is purchase my book. Then I want you to go find a quiet place and get reading with your p