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The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business

The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business

Eighteenth edition, International Student Edition

Paperback (04 Jul 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This eighteenth edition continues the long, rich tradition of our commitment to presenting timely examples and cases that underscore the relevance of the law for business. We are passionate about helping students understand the importance of the legal and regulatory environment of business. Our goal is to make this text accessible, and we hope that they will embrace the study of the law with enthusiasm. In this preface, we strive to highlight themes, additions, and pedagogical devices-including important electronic features-that are key to this edition.

Book information

ISBN: 9781260091816
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Imprint: McGraw Hill
Pub date:
Edition: Eighteenth edition, International Student Edition
DEWEY: 346.7307
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: lx, 772
Weight: 1272g
Height: 203mm
Width: 254mm
Spine width: 23mm