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The Legal Status of the Financial Action Task Force in the International Legal System

The Legal Status of the Financial Action Task Force in the International Legal System - International and Comparative Business Law and Public Policy

Hardback (23 Jan 2025)

  • $178.64
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Publisher's Synopsis

The FATF challenges traditional axioms and patently illustrates the dynamics of the international legal system. This book fills a significant gap in academic literature by studying FATF's legal nature and its responsibilities in the international legal system as an organisation with public authority. It makes a bold argument that the FATF has gradually evolved into an international organisation, addressing international law and international organisation law discourse, combining theory and practice.

This book's analytical framework can be applied to any organisation whose legal nature remains undefined, attempting to provide clarity and legal certainty in the international legal system's architecture of the 21st century.

About the Publisher

Brill Nijhoff

Founded in 1683, Brill is a publishing house with a rich history and a strong international focus. The company's head office is in Leiden, (The Netherlands) with a branch office in Boston, Massachusetts (USA). Brill's publications focus on the Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and selected areas in the Sciences.

Book information

ISBN: 9789004715127
Publisher: Brill
Imprint: Brill Nijhoff
Pub date:
DEWEY: 345.0268
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: 798g
Height: 235mm
Width: 155mm