Publisher's Synopsis
"The Last Zonian, Here's Where the Story Ends, is a compilation of twenty family stories, snippets, of life in the Panama Canal Zone, referred to as, "a slice of paradise." Numerous authors have written books about the Panama Canal Zone and prominent Zonians. The Last Zonian is about ordinary people. The book's ending will intrigue readers with the revelation of who is The Last Zonian. The stories are a portrayal of earlier times with love, adventure, sadness, and continuance. They provide some history, and a written record, of a few Zonians to assist in answering the question, "What is a Zonian?" A simplistic definition is "a United States citizen who lived, worked, or was born in the Panama Canal Zone." However, there is more to the story of identifying a Zonian. On May 4, 1904, the Panama Canal Zone became a US unincorporated territory. Hence, the first Zonians came to be. On September 7, 1977, two treaties were signed between the Un