Publisher's Synopsis
In this final installment of the Chronicles of Alethia, R. S. Gullett once again transports the reader back to the magical kingdom of Alethia in an immersive and gripping tale where only faith and strength of spirit can triumph.
Has the Sun set for the last time upon the Kingdom of Alethia or can hope rise once more from the ashes? Will the might of the dragon and his army finally bring an end to the kingdom and its people? The kingdom stands upon the brink of certain doom. None can escape the approaching darkness. The dragon and his dark army have pursued the inhabitants of Alethia across the kingdom, laying waste to everything in their path. All those who've dared stand against the dragon have perished, and now the remnant flees to a final refuge. Jonas and Maddy race to Windham to rescue her people. Kinison, Sarah, and Riniel remain at Ardaband to confront the dark sorcerer Methangoth. Val faces a dire situation where she must choose between her own safety and that of her mentors, and Selena must battle her estranged brother for lordship over the City of Nenholm. All must face the choice: to surrender their fate and possibly their future to the dragon and his horde, or resist to the end and place their faith in the promised deliverance from above. The time for indecision has passed. The heroes must each face a personal crisis of faith. To whom will they place their hope and trust...bearing in mind that there can be no turning back.