Publisher's Synopsis
This is the story of how Sarah's memories of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) returned to her when she was over 40 and how she found healing in her life. Her first memories were of her father committing incest with her when she was a child. She received the jolt of her life when she remembered her father had murdered a little girl. Then she had her first intimations of SRA. All these memories came back to her in less than a year. In this period, she often experienced severe shock, panic and exhaustion. She realized she needed help. She found a psychologist who was specialized in trauma. The memories were so overwhelming that it became hard for her to understand that they were not happening to her now. The psychologist helped her to separate the past from the present. This had a calming effect. She discovered many fragmented pieces of herself and he guided her in putting these parts of herself back together. She also consulted an amazing clairvoyant. He confirmed her memories and even expanded on them. She found the courage to approach the police in America in the hope they would investigate her story and apprehend the perpetrators. The terrible memories led Sarah to break up with her family, who denied everything when she confronted them. By sharing her story with other survivors, who she met in the 12-step programs, she received recognition, support and love. Through a deep process of healing she succeeded in putting her experience in perspective. Years later, she began a loving communication with her mother that lasted until her mother died. Sarah's reason for writing this book was to tell the truth. She could not be silent about what had happened to her. She wants to break through the denial that surrounds SRA and raise awareness of its existence. She hopes this book will help others who have suffered as she did. She recovered and so can you!"This story is horrific. Yet it is like other stories I heard in my early years as a social worker. The author's search for healing and the extent of healing that is possible, will be inspiring to those so afflicted and helpful for those who counsel." Rabbi Goldie Milgram, MSW. Author of "Reclaiming Judaism as a Spiritual Practice", Jewish Lights Publishing, Vermont.Sarah Cantor, BA, is an American writer living in Europe since the 1970's. Her poetry and a play have been performed on stage, radio and television.