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The Laboryouse Journey & Serche of John Leylande for Englandes Antiquitees Geven of Hym As a Newe Years Gyfte to Kynge Henry the VIII in the Xxxvii. Yeare of His Reygne

The Laboryouse Journey & Serche of John Leylande for Englandes Antiquitees Geven of Hym As a Newe Years Gyfte to Kynge Henry the VIII in the Xxxvii. Yeare of His Reygne With Declaracyons Enlarged: By Johan Bale; [And Bale's "Regystre of the Names of Engl

Hardback (18 Jul 2023)

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Paperback (18 Jul 2023) $20.08

Publisher's Synopsis

Book information

ISBN: 9781020066276
Publisher: Creative Media Partners, LLC
Imprint: Legare Street Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 154
Weight: 395g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 11mm