Publisher's Synopsis
Seminar paper from the year 2010 in the subject Politics - Topic: Peace and Conflict, Security, grade: A, University of Flensburg, language: English, abstract: The Kurdish issue in the contemporary history is becoming more and more salient considering the geopolitical and strategic area of Middle East. Particularly in Turkey this issue becomes crucial for the future of the whole region since almost half of the worldwide Kurds live in Turkey, who consists of the biggest ethnic minority of the country. It is essential to understand the emergence of this conflict, mainly the distinct Kurdish identity and formation of the collective Kurdish groups that claimed the rights of Kurds. Furthermore, it is important to understand the formation of Turkish Republic and the factors that contributed to the perpetuation and in to some extend the expansion of this conflict. Furthermore, the factors that affected the conflict and led to its recent formation and also the various parameters that this issue has in the country should be analyzed in detail. Eventually, in order to understand a fruitful solution to this issue it is essential to highlight all these variables that have an impact to Kurdish population not only in Turkey but in the whole area of Middle East.