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The Kennedy Curse

The Kennedy Curse

Paperback (01 Oct 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Cholera. Plane Crashes. Assassinations. Lobotomies. Crib Death. Suicide. Sex Addiction. Miscarriages. Mental Illness. Drug Abuse. Car Wrecks. Cancer. With a family history like that, you'd think they were cursed. The American Camelot meets Grand Guignol in The Kennedy Curse, the latest anthology from the publishers of Big Pulp magazine! Featuring fiction and poems by Nick Andreychuk, R.H. Blackburn, Patricia Bruce, Gary Cahill, Harri B. Cradoc, Jarrid Deaton, Liz Dolan, Milo James Fowler, Raymond Gallucci, A.A. Garrison, Walter Giersbach, John Grey, Atar Hadari, John Hayes, L.L. Hill, Jack Horne, Tony Laplume, Tim Lieder, Paul Lorello, Zoe McAuley, Terrence McCauley, James Penha, Terrie Leigh Relf, James Frederick William Rowe, E.F. Schraeder, Mike Sharlow, R.J. Spears, Anna Sykora, and Sarah Delap U

Book information

ISBN: 9780989681209
Publisher: Exter Press
Imprint: Exter Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 212
Weight: 236g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 12mm