Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1920 edition. Excerpt: ...servants, good health, creature comforts, position. 24. Of uncertain position; a family dispute; children; an unfortunate venture; illicit love affairs. 25. Of much gain, great wealth, gold, the sun, something shining or brilliant. 26. Of peaceful possession, good property, the house, of level ground, foundations. 27. A closed place or room, a short journey by boat; of a brother, or person in relation to yourself; a letter or a messenger. 28. Of yourself in imagination; of white linen; a bowl or silver pot; a new moon. 29. Of ill-health; a blood disorder; poor fare; a time of poverty and trial. 30. Of happy children, a pleasant experience, union, a fortunate dowry or legacy. 31. Of something underground, a snake in the house, a scorpion or reptile, a foreign land. 32. Of a king or rajah, a golden vestment, the sun, your own individuality and oharacter. 33. Of a pleasant message, a good position, a brother, some distinction. 34. Of financial benefit, a purchase of food or other necessaries, grain, etc., some corporeal benefit. 35. Of a female, a birth, a plot or scheme, something secret to yourself; a confinement. 36. Of a loss by speculation, a siok child, an unhappy family, misery and trouble. 37. Of an unfortunate contract, an unhappy marriage, a house or property, a stable. 38. Of a death by malaria or enteric fever; of a journey, a message; of a sister; a neighbouring tank or pool. 39. Of a closed place or temple; a gilded chamber, a king's sequestration or exile. 40. Of money, things of value, jewels or apparel, the price of grain. 41. Of yourself or your figure, your apparel, investiture, food, position, credit. 42. Of a friend, a woman of quality, a patroness or her favour, a gathering of people, a convention. 43. Of ancestral...