Publisher's Synopsis
This book is dedicated to all of the children, teenagers and adults in the world who have ever been: bullied, picked on, harassed, pestered, hassled, badgered, hounded and annoyed by anyone; bigger, tougher, or meaner, or nastier, or unkind, or despicable, or heartless, richer, better looking, or cruel and shameful. My hopes in writing this book was to help others (who were once like me) confront their own bullies in their lives, and deal with that horrible time in your life in a meaningful way. You have to write about what you know. The trilogy of: Charlie the Great White Horse is books designed to open middle-readers, and teenagers (even adults) imaginations. This first book (the prequel) in the series and is written with the other three books in mind. It introduces the loveable and funny characters who mostly appear in the other three books. Although there are many heartfelt and timely messages, numerous morals and values instilled in these pages, the book is not designed to lecture the reader. It is suppose to be a fun, fast, and exciting read. The story moves quickly will captivate you at every turn in the story. Yes little Louis has another one of his fantastical adventures to tell you. I hope you enjoy reading this book, as much as I enjoyed writing it. Kenneth J. Mullinix.