The Journey. The Service. The Man

The Journey. The Service. The Man Edmund Bartlett's Time Capsule 1980-2022

Hardback (27 Jun 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

'The timelessness of hospitality before its formalization and organic inseparability from tourism, mirrors the shattering of temporal constraints as represented in the body of work of the Honourable Edmund Bartlett CD, MP. Minister Bartlett has distinguished himself as a thought leader, diplomat, strategist and shrewd tactician who is able to dream big while deftly guiding those charged to operationalize those visions. This is evident in his contribution to culture, information, youth, community development and most profoundly local, regional and international tourism. The common thread in all of these, is his development of people as the greatest asset in the creation of the wealth of nations. The notion of the 'time capsule' accurately describes his transcendence of time and space, and professes a perpetual legacy for all peoples and spaces.' - Andrew Spencer (Prof.), PhD.

Book information

ISBN: 9789766571214
Publisher: Lmh Publishing
Imprint: LMH
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 132
Weight: 1204g
Height: 251mm
Width: 302mm
Spine width: 23mm