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The Information Broker

The Information Broker - The Erratic Sun

Paperback (27 Jul 2019)

  • $25.11
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Publisher's Synopsis

Captain Terry Dadam and the crew of the Erratic Sun returned to their home planet of Spiron after surviving the largest manhunt the galaxy had ever seen. Scarred from the harrowing ordeal, they hoped to reclaim some semblance of their previous lives. They soon realized that the eyes of the powerful were still watching them and going back to the way things had been was impossible.When Joules, the foremost information broker in the galaxy, reaches out to them for help, they are presented with a dangerous opportunity. If they agree to help Joules, he will get them back their lives. In the process they run the risk of facing the very people they have tried to avoid. Dadam and his crew must race from planet to planet to stay ahead of everything coming their way and, along the way, they discover that the cost of doing business with Joules may be more than they are able to pay.

Book information

ISBN: 9781084199910
Publisher: Independently Published
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 434
Weight: 630g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 25mm