The Human Son

The Human Son

Paperback (17 Sep 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Five hundred years in the future, Earth is a paradise... without us.

The Earth was dying, and only the Erta could save it. Created by humans to be genetically superior, hyper-intelligent and unburdened by the full range of human emotions, they succeeded by removing the cause: the human race.

Years later, the Erta are faced with a dilemma - should they reintroduce the rebellious and violent Homo Sapiens to the Earth? And if they do, will all their work be undone?

To find their answers, they decide to raise just one child: a sole human to determine if they should once more inherit the Earth.

But Ima, the quiet and clinical Erta selected for the task, finds that there is more to raising a human than she expected. As she grows to love the child in her care, only one question remains: is humanity truly a lost cause, or is there hope for them yet?

About the Publisher



Solaris was founded in 2007 by BL Publishing as an independent imprint, to trade alongside their existing licence-based imprints Black Flame and the Black Library. Under Consulting Editor George Mann, the goal was to publish a mix of new and traditional science fiction, fantasy and horror, by new and familiar authors alike, and to fill the gap between the large-scale mass-market publishers who only backed prolific writers with huge readerships and the small genre press whose limited scope and distribution kept them in relative obscurity.

Book information

ISBN: 9781781087886
Publisher: Solaris
Imprint: Solaris
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 473
Weight: 346g
Height: 130mm
Width: 197mm
Spine width: 36mm