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The Holiness Experience and Its Evolution

The Holiness Experience and Its Evolution The Hand of God in Religious History

Paperback (31 Jan 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Holiness Experience and Its Evolution is a practical resource for pastors, teachers and church leaders engaged in ministry. It explores the emergence of Holiness theology during the nineteenth century and the crucial role it plays in liberating biblical views within America today. The book will reveal how conservative religious leaders were forced to consider a new wave of beliefs that brought the face of religious indifference to the forefront. The Holiness Experience and Its Evolution will reveal how the movement toward change regarding religious theology ignited the flame of curiosity, which brought about the creation of many religious denominations. The views and convictions of the followers of the new religious disciplines introduced controversial biblical teaching within America and the world. Readers will analyze the theology of the Protestant Principle and how the doctrine of Holiness can be found in its context. Much emphasis will be placed on enhancing the reader's understanding of the teachings of the gift of the spirit and to identify important developmental concepts as it relates to the division between Holiness and Pentecostal doctrine.

Book information

ISBN: 9798890318596
Publisher: Ewings Publishing LLC
Imprint: Ewings Publishing LLC
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 130
Weight: 172g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 8mm