The History of Veterinary Education in Edinburgh

The History of Veterinary Education in Edinburgh

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Publisher's Synopsis

The history of veterinary education in Edinburgh has been traced from 1696 to 2022. William Dick established his veterinary school in 1823. The development of his veterinary interest, formal training and family life is presented. About 14,000 students from at least 139 countries have studied towards obtaining undergraduate veterinary degrees and/or postgraduate qualifications (diplomas, masters, doctorates) from the Dick Vet, Gamgee's New Edinburgh Veterinary College and Williams' New Edinburgh Veterinary College and the Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine. The progressive changes in course duration, content, staffing and physical facilities are described. The student populations, graduations, dress codes, extra-curricular activities and traditions give insights into the lives of veterinary students over two centuries. The academic and clinical leadership of the individual veterinary teaching and research institutes is described. Some indication is given of administrative, teaching and support staff. The geographical location of veterinary education in Edinburgh is highlighted.

About the Publisher

Edinburgh University Press

Book information

ISBN: 9781399525596
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Imprint: Edinburgh University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 636.08907114134
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 329
Weight: 558g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 20mm