Publisher's Synopsis
Excerpt from The History of Merchant-Taylors' School, From Its Foundation to the Present Time: In Two Parts; I. Of Its Founders, Patrons, Benefactors, and Masters; II. Of Its Principal Scholars
Cnar. L - Of the principal Scholars of Merchant Taylors' School, from the Time of its Foundation to the Death of Elisabeth containing the Space of Forty-ave Years.
Beneficial In?uence of Publick Schools, especially of such as are connected with the Universities - of M erchant-taylors' in particular - the Epoch at which it was founded - brief Survey of the Con dition of the Universities - the Posture of Affairs in Church and State - the Habits of the Nation at large - Character ot' the first Schoolmaster - of thecpresidents of St. John's College, Oxford, and Masters of pembroke-hall, Cambridge - of the first M etchant-ta ylors - Lancelot Andre wes, Thomas Dove, John Wylford, and William Plat, among the first Scholars of Jesus College, Oxford - Progress of Cartwright's schismatical Principles at Cambridge - Andrewes chosen. Fellow of pembroke-hall, Cambridge - John Spenser, Greek Reader at Corpus Christi College, Oxford - Edwin Sandy's, Fellow of the same College, sets out on his Travels - Spenser assists Hooker in his Ecclesiastical Polity, ' Sunuel Fox, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford - Thomas Heth, Fellow of All Souls, refutes Harvey the Astrologer - Thomas Bowsfield preferred to the Headship of St. Edmund's Hall, 8rc.-matthew Gwinne, Fellow of St. John's, a Disputant before the Polish Prince Albert Alaski, at his Visit to Oid'ord - Giles Tomson, Fellow of All Souls, Proctor of Oxford - Fox, having made the Tour of Germany, are. Returns to England - Gwinns, Proctor of Oxford - Dove installed Dean of Norwich Andrewes made Master of pembroke-hall, Cambridae Rm Em chosen a Member of Parliament Andrewes decides in favour of the Oath er oficio - William Paddie, Fellow of St. John' 3. Created Doctor of Medic-mo Leyden - John Buckeridge, Fellow of St. John's, with Gwinne, Spenser, and Tomson, engaged in the Disputations before Queen Elizabeth at Oxford - Andrewes confers with Barrow, a Dupe of Cartwright's, under Sentence of Death - Richard Intcwar, Fellow of St. J obn's. Proctor of Oxford - Gwinne attends Sir Henry Untou, on his Embassy to France, in Quality of Phy. Siciarh - Andrewes laments the too prevalent Discussions on the peculiar Doctrines of Calvin - Rowland Searchfield, Fellow of St. John's, Proctor of Oxford - ?ourishing State' of St. J ohn's at this Time, principally owing to the merchant-taylor Members of that Society - John Perin, Fellow of St. John's, made Regius Professor of Greek in that University - Gwinne ehmen Professor of Physick, at the Institution of Gresham College, London - Edwin Sandys writes his Europe Speculum} while on his Travels - Dove preferred to the Bishoprick of Peterborough - Dath of Henry Price, an elegant Poet Andrewes made Dean of Westminster, are - Latewar, Chaplain to Lord Mountjoy in Ireland, killed by the Rebels - Tomson installed Dean of Windsor, 8rc. - Nicholas Lymby, George Rainsbee, John Rawlinson, John Sansbury, Peter Lauson, Theophilus Tuer, Matthew Wren, Henry Gammon, tic. No publish Verses on the Death of the Queen.
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