Publisher's Synopsis
Welcome to the wonderful world of words. Whether your passion is to write a novel, an article for a newspaper or magazine, or to write a blog, as you know, it can be a challenge to come up with the right combination of words to leave your audience wanting to come back for more. How do you get today's readers to choose your book/article/blog? By creating settings they can see, characters they care about, storylines they want to read more of. None of that is easy, but that's where The Historical Phrase Book - Scottish-Herbal Edition comes into play. (There are also two other volumes, The Historical Phrase Book - Regency-Medieval edition and The Historical Phrase Book - Western-Viking Edition. Tags in each book are different.) There are Medieval, Scottish and Irish words in volume one which complement the phrases in this book. As well as phrases in volume two that also complement phrases in this book.
Although they may seem endless, there are only so many words in the English language. How you use and arrange those words is what sets you apart from other writers. When you're sitting at your computer staring at an empty screen because what you want to say next simply won't come to mind, that's the time to open The Historical Phrase Book - Scottish-Herbal Edition to jog your senses. Not to copy the tags from this book. That's too simple. Read the descriptors and let your imagination run wild--and you'll come up with that perfect scene that has eluded you.
This book is designed to be a valuable, beneficial, inspiring writer's tool. The tags found between these pages are here to entice your imagination so you may create your own rich descriptions. Used to prod your thought process, there is no limit to what you can create. This is your tool--use it to your advantage and let your muse soar! Enjoy - and happy writing!