Publisher's Synopsis
THE WORST OF THE BEST OF HILARIOUS BAD TASTE JOKES (Vol-1) Volume 14 Published By Hilarious Press A superb Compilation of over 250 of the Funniest Bad Taste, Offensive, Insulting, Sick, Perverted, Shocking and Racist JOKES & ONE LINERS scrupulously and personally selected by the Author from the scurrilous pages of the 13 Hilarious Bad Taste Joke Books....Jokes that sensitive GREASEBALLS, POLACKS, YIDS, GOYUM, SHYSTERS, RAG HEADS, JUNGLE BUNNIES, PECKER PUFFERS, DAGOS, GRINGOS, REDSKINS, GOOKS, FROGS, PAKIS, SAUSAGE JOCKEYS, DOT HEADS, KRAUTS, DROP THE SOAPERS, FLAT FOOTS, PUSSY SCRAPERS, ZORBAS, LIMEYS, PADDYS, RUSSKIES, SHEEP SHAGGERS, OOGA BOOGAS & GASH GOBBLERS Really Hate.... And Rightfully So! Written, Edited and 'Massaged' for the needy "Bad Taste Deprived" by Acclaimed Comedy & Joke Writer and Producer, MIKE CALLIE as part of the Hilarious Bad Taste Joke Book Series. Available on BAD TASTE HAS NEVER BEEN FUNNIER!!