Publisher's Synopsis
So many legends have been spun about the Mysterious Wise Men from the East that it is refreshing to seek the simple historical spring from which they sprung.
Legend has given them names: Balthazar the Greek, Melchior the Egyptian, and Gaspar the Ethiopian. As artist Arnold Friberg was quick to point out: A simple glance at any map shows that all these lands lie to the west of the Holy Land. West is not East.
Since all mankind falls short of the glory of God, we are fortunate to have Jesus Christ as our Redeemer and Saviour. He is an almighty judge filled with compassion and mercy for all those who will forsake their sins, repent, and come to Him whether by camel, on foot, or by star!
Regardless, it is still the truest wisdom to follow the Star of Bethlehem and seek the King of kings from whichever distant land we find ourselves.
In the end, the only gift He wants is you! Oh, and who were the Magi? History remembers them! So come and see...
Time to meet the real Magi.