The Harrowing Human Gallery

The Harrowing Human Gallery - The Museum of Phobias

Hardback (30 Jul 2020)

  • $33.56
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Publisher's Synopsis

Try to conjure up an idea of the most horrifying Halloween witch and then imagine that she's real. For those with wiccaphobia, which is a fear of witches, this horror goes a step further by lasting all year long. From genuphobia, or the fear of knees, to odontophobia, or the fear of dentists and teeth, the phobias in this book run the gamut of fears having to do with people. Vibrant photographs and graphics engagingly display each vivid description like a museum exhibit. Including the nervous system's response to fear and other strangely scientific information, this book is more than's unbelievable!

Book information

ISBN: 9781538260005
Publisher: Gareth Stevens Publishing Lllp
Imprint: Gareth Stevens Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 616.85225
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 358g
Height: 282mm
Width: 218mm
Spine width: 8mm