Publisher's Synopsis
I call this art The Great Escape because I survived through every tear, hurdle, pain, and judgment that hid behind a smile and mentally damaged people. I escaped my misery and opened my mind and heart for the world to see so people can learn a lesson from my experiences. Throughout a significant period of my life, I would write down my thoughts in order to make an escape from reality. At first, what I wrote was for my eyes and my eyes only, but that soon changed when I realized that I needed to express these thoughts publicly in order to make a great escape. Some of this poetry is very delicate, in which anyone could tell by reading it that I wrote it during an extremely sensitive time in my life. Also, some of this poetry I wrote in order to try to understand the meaning of things and ideas that I have never fathomed before. This work of art includes everything from motivational poems to angry poems to depressing poems to petty poems and to stressful poems. I would write in an attempt to find happiness and peace within myself. During the time I was writing this book, I was in a very emotionally distressed state. I would cry rivers of tears for hours and even isolate myself from everyone and everything. I would write poems with buckets of water falling from my eyes because I was writing for my life to escape my thoughts and misery. My heart is within this book, my mind is within this book, my resilience is within this book, and my faith is within this book.I wrote poetry to hide my fears, my tears, my anger, and my thoughts. I have experienced some painful things and the reason I am sharing some of them with you is because I learned from them. Also, things that I may not have learned from writing this book, I learned from others. Your experiences and how you handle them is what defines you as a person, man, woman, or human being. Because of my writing, I am aware of how I operate and I know how to handle certain situations if they ever were to surface again. I found my strength through my resilience and will to be an individual who can conquer obstacles and teach others how to become mentally stronger. This book is a representation of how I am able to survive and breathe in a world filled with toxic people and emotions. Hopefully, I am able to touch at least one person with this work of art because I realize that this may be a cure to some individuals.