Publisher's Synopsis
The foundation of the Christian faith is built on Jesus Christ and His Word to us, the Holy Bible. This Biblical Foundation Series includes elementary principles every Christian needs to help lay a strong spiritual foundation in his or her life.
In this twelfth book we discover that as disciples of Jesus, our marching orders are to go and make disciples. We can start right where we are! God has called us as His church to touch every nation of the world, but we must ask the Lord where He has called us specifically. Although some believers will go to another country to make disciples, many believers will reach out to others right where they live. God places people all around us we can disciple and train. We will learn what it means to go as a spiritual force (army) to evangelize, make disciples and mentor others and see the kingdom of God advance! We will discover an effective way of making disciples is by mentoring others in a spiritual father or mother capacity. Spiritual fathers and mothers are those who gently help develop and encourage those they mentor to walk the path of becoming spiritual fathers and mothers themselves. This kind of training by mentoring challenges all believers to both have and become spiritual parents, thus producing lasting and far-reaching results. In fact, this entire series of Biblical Foundation books was written to serve as a tool for any believer who is willing and obedient to make disciples according to the plan of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this book, the foundation truths from the Word of God are presented with modern day parables that help you easily understand the basics of Christianity. Use these books to lay a solid spiritual foundation in your life, or if you are already a mature Christian, these books are great tools to assist you in discipling others. This book is also available n French, Portuguese, and Spanish Books in this series:1. Knowing Jesus Christ as Lord
God's purpose for our lives through a personal relationship with Jesus
2. The New Way of Living
True repentance and faith toward God
3. New Testament Baptisms
Four baptisms including baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit
4 Building for Eternity
The hope of the resurrection, the laying on of hands and eternal judgment
5 Living in the Grace of God
Applying God's grace to everyday living
6. Freedom from the Curse
Christ brings freedom to every area of our lives
7. Learning to Fellowship with God
How to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ
8. What Is the Church?
Finding our place in God's family
9. Authority and Accountability
How to respond to leadership and fellow believers God places in our lives
10. God's Perspective on Finances
How God wants His people to handle money
11. Called to Minister
Every Christian's call to serve
12. The Great Commission
Our purpose for living on this planet