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The Great Art

The Great Art

Paperback (10 May 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

" UNDER the auspices of the "Universite Libre des Hautes Etudes" of Paris, a Branch of which has recently been established in America, we publish the first volume of a series of classical works whose study constitutes the foundation of the teaching of the "Faculte des Sciences Hermetiques. It is not without reason that we have chosen Pernety to inaugurate this series. Of the three thousand volumes composing the bibliography of ALCHEMY, those of Dom Antoine-Joseph Pernety are the only ones in which the theories of the Artificers are exposed with method: he is the first and only writer who has endeavored to present a short, concise and complete system of theMagnum Opus."

Book information

ISBN: 9791041929252
Publisher: Bod Third Party Titles
Imprint: Shs Editions
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 376
Weight: 490g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 21mm