Publisher's Synopsis
The Grantbuilder(TM) is a professional education program for new and experienced grantwriters. Those new to the profession will receive an introduction into grantwriting along with learning activities to master the fundamentals. Experienced grantwriters will recognize the time-saving aspects of the proprietary Master Grant Data Worksheet. It is used to consolidate all of the information needed by an organization to prepare all types of grants. The design for The Grantbuilder(TM) System is influenced by elements and processes used in the construction industry. Specifically, the analogy of designing, planning, constructing and maintaining a house can serve as the frame of reference for learning how to build grant applications. This workbook teaches grant writing as a step-by-step process, starting with an introduction to the basics to lay a strong foundation. Every industry has its own language, guidelines and nuances. This system integrates all of those factors, starting with an overview of grantmaking. Who give grants? Who can apply? How to apply? What information is needed to apply? This workbook answers these and other questions relevant to locating funding sources, preparing grant applications and securing grants. Approximately 90% of information required on grant applications is similar from funder to funder, however, the format and sequence of information may be different. If you were to tour five different homes that have four bedrooms and two baths, each would be unique in color scheme, furnishings and how it is decorated. Take another example of kitchens in two different homes. Both have most of the same components (i.e. stove, refrigerator, microwave, sink), but one may have a trash compactor and dishwasher, and certainly each with it's own layout and color scheme. These examples illustrate the similarities and differences among funders and grant applications. Structural elements and major systems like the foundation, electrical, plumbing and roof can be compared to the major categories of information found in all grant applications. The choice of colors and the selection and placement of furnishings are used to distinguish the individual preferences and style of the homeowner. Likewise, each grant application must be tailored to the specific preferences of the funding source. This Grantbuilder(TM) System provides a step-by-step introduction to the fundamentals. Our proprietary series of easy-to-use worksheets provides a "hands-on" learning exercise for each topic needed in the grant writing process. Each activity is a building block, designed to equip the grantwriter with an expanded base of knowledge, skills and tools proven effective in securing grant funds. One of the primary distinctions of this system is the Grantbuilder(TM) Master Grant Data Worksheet. This multi-page tool makes it easy to capture, record, organize and retrieve every category of information needed for all types of funders and applications. It can be used to consolidate information that may currently exist in multiple documents and filing systems. Once completed, this document can serve as a centralized database, a master template that contains all of the information needed to prepare any grant applications for any organization. We trust you will find this system useful to streamline the grant writing process, making it easier and faster to prepare and submit applications and proposals that result in increased funding for your programs on an ongoing basis.