Publisher's Synopsis
The Big Picture Cards for Families Kids encourage families to continue learning at home throughout the week. Distribute these cards at the beginning of each quarter and parents will be equipped with a handy Bible story question to help kids understand how the Bible events they are learning fit into the big picture of God's story. Pack of 15 colorful 3" x 4" trading cards. The Gospel Project for Kids is a Christ-centered Bible study resource that looks at the big picture of God's story—the story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Each week, kids of all ages will follow a chronological timeline of Bible events, all the while learning how each story points to the gospel of Jesus Christ. A Kingdom Established teaches kids about Israel's first human kings, Saul, David, and Solomon, and their last and perfect King, Jesus. Additionally, kids will learn despite Solomon's great wisdom, he sinned causing the kingdom to divide in two, reminding us of our need for Jesus, the sinless King who rules perfectly. Sessions also include both Solomon's search for meaning in life and Job's search for meaning in his suffering, and the answer to their searches that is found only in Jesus, who gives us reason to praise God even in confusing times.