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The Good Girl's Guide to Bad Girl Sex: An Indispensable Guide to Pleasure & Seduction

The Good Girl's Guide to Bad Girl Sex: An Indispensable Guide to Pleasure & Seduction

Paperback (16 Mar 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

If you've always been a good girl, maybe you've been a little envious of the bad girls and all the wild experiences they seem to be having. And maybe you just haven't felt comfortable about crossing that bridge to the bad-girl side. What's the difference between being good and being bad? A good girl says "no" to sexual experimentation and enhanced pleasure, and a bad girl says "yes," and "yes again." But why should bad girls have all the fun? Barbara Keesling believes in feeling good about being bad. She also believes that it's no crime to flaunt it if you've got it, and this book provides generous instruction on how to get it. Every woman will benefit from the excellent advice in this book about taking control of your sexual satisfaction and feeling great about it. So open up The Good Girl's Guide to Bad Girl Sex and learn how to embrace orgasm, delight in your body, touch and tease your man, play with toys, and indulge yourself without guilt-just like bad girls do.

Book information

ISBN: 9781590771280
Publisher: M. Evans & Company
Imprint: M. Evans
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 232
Weight: 345g
Height: 230mm
Width: 154mm
Spine width: 16mm