The Goat Woman

The Goat Woman

Paperback (28 Dec 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"A rib! A second thought. Made to bear. Take the blame! That Wretched God made us to serve men! But we didn't!...We pushed Adam to take from the tree, stand up on his own two feet! And for that He blamed us! We made His man better, and He made us the goat! Damn Him!" For Eve Truesdale coming back to Holmsford, Massachusets, was something she couldn't explain. She was a partner in a major investment firm in New York. She had money, a younger lover. What did she have in Holmsford except for a few childhood memories? What was she looking for? Was she losing control of her career, her life, her senses? What she found were connections she never expected, a strange bond with a reclusive old woman whom the town had all but forgotten. What she found was something no one could expect, something elemental and deep that lay just beyond common sense.

Book information

ISBN: 9780998408309
Publisher: Michael Champagne
Imprint: Michael Champagne
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 326
Weight: 481g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 19mm