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The Girl From Wonderland

The Girl From Wonderland

Hardback (01 Sep 2021)

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Paperback (01 Sep 2021) $13.18

Publisher's Synopsis

England welcomes a new summer, three years after an uprising. Expert coder Alice Woodstock returns from Australia, looking for work. A chance encounter at the local police station leads to a headlong race with her new friend Detective Boris McDonald across London to stop a tragedy. The fallout from her efforts brings her to the attention of the Home Office who are closing in on the shadowy figure behind the historic uprising - The Handler. Alice is recruited to corner him, before realising she may be in more danger than she thought.

Book information

ISBN: 9781914531217
Publisher: Clamp Limited
Imprint: Clamp Limited
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 206
Weight: 408g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 18mm