Publisher's Synopsis
The Garden of Eden is about creation of Man. The creator, God, gave man a home in the Garden of Eden. Eve, Adam's wife, a part of Adam, was formed in this garden. The harmony that existed between God, Adam, and Eve was shattered by the Serpent. The Serpent made Eve break God's prohibition Law. The book dwells on these events. The topics covered include:
- Creaction of man
- Earth before the Fall
- Life in Garden of Eden
- The Fall
- The desire that patterned the Sex Law of Polygamy
- The senses of The Spirit, Body, and the Soul.
- The Dimensional world of Man and Spirits.
- The Cherubims that guard the Tree of Life
- Back to Eden.
The author has been on the christian journey and studies of world religions for over two decades.
The book targets religious leaders, christians, theologists
and general readership.